Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Major Reasons to Opt For Bonded Security Guards Services in Houston

In this economy, businesses have become more cautious over what will be beneficial for them and what other factors will contribute to increasing costs. In a bid to be competitive, most businesses are going out of the way to not disturb their operations but also save money. One particular area where a general business faces difficulty is the allocation of money for security services in the budget. These costs never seem justified. Although, it seems hard to lower the security costs, no one can ignore that security has become a vital part of the business. One way to save money is by hiring bonded security guards services in Houston, Texas. This way you will be getting a quality service at a reasonable price. While one reason to hire security services is the cost effectiveness, a number of other reasons exist.

Here are the 5 major reasons behind hiring bonded security guards services rather than searching for personal security guards.

·        Reason No. 1 - The Security Service Provider Does All the Work
The security firm will take all the stress related to recruitment and will hire a security guard that suits your business needs. The security firm will take care of all the tasks like background checks, interviews, and other arrangements with their staff. This will give you more time to focus on things that require your undivided attention.

·        Reason No. 2 – Dealing With the Unions Will Not Be Your Headache
Most security providers act and provide services without the influence of unions. This means you will not have to waste time dealing with union issues and all the disputes or negotiations will be handled by the security provider itself. This relieves you of the worries related to uninformed leaves, workers on strike etc.

·        Reason No. 3 – Impartiality between Security Guards
Hiring security guards services from an outside firm rather than carrying out the hiring yourself will be beneficial for you as the security guards on safety patrol will have no affiliation with you or your company. In fact, you might find a new face stationed at your office entrance each day. Impartiality is a good quality because becoming too familiar with the company and its staff leads to corruption issues. Job rotation that is not handled by your company will relieve you of any possibilities of corruption.

·        Reason No. 4 – All Time Security No Matter How Early or How Late It Gets
Hiring a 24 / 7 security guard can be a difficult job for you and might involve going through several applicants however, a reputed security firm providing security guards services will satisfy all your needs, no matter how long you want the guards for and how many of them do you need.

·        Reason No. 5 – A Security Firm Providing Bonded Security Guards Services in Houston Will Guarantee Your Protection
If your security firm has bonded with you, then you do not have to worry about theft or other issues because you are protected. A large, reputed security firm that is bonded will guarantee through a contract, to take care of any losses that are borne a result of theft by the security guards.

You might be interested in interviewing and hiring your own security guard because of your business finances however, this move will not be in your best interest. If you hire a large-scale security firm that has several employees working under it and provides bonded security guards services, then this will be the best security you will get at a reasonable price. Lastly, hiring security guards services in Houston is the best way to enjoy complete peace of mind since your security is in trusted hands. Therefore, all you will need to do is take care of your own business while the security firm takes care of the rest.

Eagle Protective Group is a reputed security service provider in Houston, Texas. For more info, please visit our website: http://www.eagleprotectivegroup.com/services-html/

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Security Guards Services in Houston for Your Ultimate Protection

Are you in search for the ultimate security guards services in Houston? This article will help you find what you are looking for.

Here is a scenario:
You own a retail store and you have your cash receipts in hand totaling $10,000, which you need to deposit in your bank, in checks and bills account. Your business has been good and you keep your cash in a safe in your office, overnight. You and three other employees are in the shop right now and you have arranged the cash in three bank bags for pickup. The day has barely started and with all the morning duties pending, there are twice the customers compared to the staff present.
You have two options to choose.

·    Option-1: A gentleman all dressed up stops at the counter and says, “I am here to pick up the bank bags.” Judging by his freshly laundered and neatly pressed uniform, he looks like a security guard. You can see his car from the corner window of your shop and a mace canister in the loop of his belt. With no other weapons visible or no signs and holsters visible that may indicate him wearing a protective gear like body armor, you make out that he is an unarmed security guard.

·       Option-2: A vehicle stops at the curb of your store clearly marked as a security vehicle and two armed guards step out. While one stands post, the other guard exits the van holding a security bag. The men stepping out not only appears well armed but also confident and well trained. This also indicates that they are well aware of the procedures as well as the surroundings. The officer with the bag enters your store with his eye scanning all over the premises for any threats or conducting a vulnerability assessment of customers including the distance between him and the customers. He even keeps all the blind spots in check. The other guard scans the sidewalks and the streets while waiting for the guard who is inside the shop.

Now, which option do you think is the best in handing over your money so that it can be taken to the bank?
The decision should be obvious. You should choose the one in which your asset is protected and safely delivered to its destination. Armed security guards, initially foreboding, send an influential message that property and individuals are being protected. If you possess items of high value or the potential loss could be very high then an armed security guard is always a powerful tool. That is why many people opt for armed security guards services in Houston. Armed guards portray readiness and alertness to protect us and even ensure the customers that their lives and property are being protected.

Armed Security; the decision cannot be taken lightly.
Some people think of armed presence as chances of potential danger at some place but in actual, it is a preventive measure to any future incidents. Armed guards act as reminders to the customers and staff that your priority is their safety and the next comes a comfortable shopping experience. Areas with high risk and the ones having a criminal history must experience the benefits of armed security guards services in Houston.

Eagle Protective Group offers security guards services in Houston on a level that can only come from experience and professional skills. Visit http://www.eagleprotectivegroup.com/ for more info.